Social enterprise in a global context
Set against a context of global growth in higher education, the Social enterprise in a global context research seeks to understand and enhance the role of international co-operation between higher education institutions and social enterprises. The study has examined the engagement between higher education institutions and social enterprise in 12 countries and territories in Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and North America.
The research responds to the worldwide growth in higher education and social enterprise, mapping and exploring existing partnerships between HEIs and SE, the benefits of existing co-operation, and the impact of such co-operation on a range of stakeholder groups such as students, social entrepreneurs and funders. In addition, the study also reviews the approaches used by HEIs to deliver social enterprise skills to students.
Social Enterprise and Higher Education in Greece
Social Enterprise and Higher Education in Greece (PDF, 525 kb) examines the benefits and challenges of partnership between higher education institutions and social enterprises in Greece.
It is one of 12 country – and territory – level studies that informed Social enterprise in a global context: The role of higher education institutions, our global report (cited above) on the engagement between higher education and social enterprise.