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A selection of our partners:
- Acropolis Museum
- Athens Concert Hall
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- Benaki Museum
- Bios
- BP
- British Hellenic Chamber of Commerce
- Cambridge English
- Cervantes Institute
- Cinedoc
- Comicdom
- Economist Conferences
- European Commission
- UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
- Goethe-Institut
- Greek Children’s Museum
- Greek Film Archive
- Hellenic Ministry of Education, Religion, Culture and Sport
- Hilton Hotel Athens
- International Olympic Truce Centre
- Intelligence Squared (IQ2)
- Junior Achievement Greece
- Kalamata Dance festival
- Macedonian Contemporary Art Museum
- Macmillan Publishing Group
- Microsoft Corporation
- Municipality of Athens Technopolis
- Municipality of Thessaloniki
- National Hellenic Research Foundation
- National Technical University of Athens
- Noesis
- Onassis Cultural Foundation
- Research Centre for English, University of Athens
- South Eastern Europe Research Centre (SEERC)
- TEDx Athens
- TESOL Greece
- TESOL Macedonia Thrace
- Unilever
- UNITE (student Accommodation)
- University of Athens
- Visit Britain