A collage of images of a bionic hand, a young woman and a tiger on a dark blue background

Our global Stronger Together programme aims to create an enabling environment that brings together young people with representatives of government, civil society, enterprise and institutions. We support young leaders in enhancing their skills and collaborating with their peers to address multiple 21st century crises: from climate change to employment and employability, to alienation and disconnection, to conflict and stability.

The four strands of the programme are: 

  • Artificial Intelligence for the Common Good
  • Climate Change
  • Gender Equality 
  • Social Cohesion

The programme features a wide range of activities including focus groups, hackathons and workshops to policy dialogues, events and networking opportunities.

Stronger Together in the EU region is conducted across several European countries.

It includes the project titled EU/UK Youth Stronger Together that focuses on strengthening the exchange between young people of the EU and the UK. This project is co-funded by the European Union and implemented in partnership with the European Movement International

The programme has four strands: