Silent Space Stand Still, Argianas artworks
Silent Space Stand Still Argianas Artworks ©

Athanasios Argianas, The Length Of A Strand Of Your Hair, Of Your Arms, Unfolded, Barbican Art Gallery (2011), Photography India Roper Evans, courtesy the artist and Max Wigram Gallery, London

Friday 29 March 2013 to Saturday 27 April 2013
Tzisdaraki Mosque, Athens

Silent Space Stand Still explores the use of sound in a mosque in central Athens that has long been silent.

Four artists – Athanasios Argianas, Tarek Atoui, Cevdet Erek and Dani Gal – who use the medium of sound in their work, will give a performance, a talk or make a live presentation inside or around the mosque.

Silent Space Stand Still aims to generate a dialogue with the space so as to experience it anew through contemporary works of art. The exhibition will reintegrate sound into a space originally built for that medium, an echo of the building’s original architectural purpose.

Curated by Maria-Thalia Carras & Sofia Tournikiotis | Locus Athens