Romeo and Juliet in Aigaleo
Thursday 16 June 2016 to Sunday 19 June 2016

As part of Shakespeare Lives, our global programme marking the 400th anniversary of the great playwright’s death, we’re organising a series of activities in partnership with Locus Athens, NEON, the Municipality of Aigaleo and the British Embassy in Athens aimed at making Shakespeare more accessible to younger audiences.

As part of the (young) Aigaleo City community project curated by Locus Athens and initiated and supported by NEON, we have invited a team of artists, architects, musicians, theatre directors, filmmakers and photographers to take part in the Romeo and Juliet in Aigaleo programme and work with children and teenagers on projects relating to Shakespeare and the local area.

Τhe programme of activities is open to the public and will include a theatre performance, a film screening and a book publication, as well as a series of workshops for primary school students using Shakespeare's texts as the starting point for a journey into the worlds of dance, sound, literature and technology.

Theatre: Romeo and Juliet

Theatre director Dimitris Xanthopoulos has been working with teenagers from the 7th High School of Aigaleo over a six-month period to direct a devised version of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, adapting this classic text to the students’ own modern-day language and contemporary reality.

When Thursday 16 June 2016, 20.00
Where 7th High School of Aigaleo
250 Thivon Street
122 41 Athens

Cinema: Shakespeare Film Screening

Richard III (1995) directed by Richard Loncraine

When Sunday 19 June 2016
Where Baroutadiko Park
290 Iera Odos
122 43 Athens

Book launch

A book dedicated to the two-year Aigaleo City community project – with a special focus on the Romeo and Juliet in Aigaleo programme – will be published as part of the programme in collaboration with Vassiliki Plavou.


The programme also includes a series of workshops for primary schools in Aigaleo:

  • A Midsummer Night’s Dream by actresses Iris Nikolaou and Rebecca Tsiligaridou
  • Prospero’s Books by visual artist Anastasia Douka
  • Composing music for a 1930s silent Shakespeare film by music group Gnous
  • Remixed and collaborative narratives using Shakespeare’s texts by Nikos Vogiatzis.