Professor Tom Kirkwood
Tom Kirkwood
Tuesday 06 March 2012 to Tuesday 20 March 2012

2012 is the European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity Βetween Generations, providing an opportunity for all of us to reflect on how Europeans are living longer and staying healthier than ever before.

What is active ageing? Life continues and society is obliged to appreciate the contribution of the elderly and give them opportunities such as to:

  • stay in the workforce and share their experience
  • keep playing an active role in society
  • live as healthy and fulfilling lives as possible.

The European Year seeks to raise public awareness of the issues involved, foster discussion of the best ways of dealing with the new challenges (e.g. employment, health care, adult education, volunteering) and encourage all stakeholders to develop a new policy.

To mark the European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity Between Generations 2012, we invite you to a unique series of events for all ages.

Round-table discussion: Does Longevity Mean Quality of Life?

  • On the threshold of ageing – Stephanos Rozanis, Professor of Philosophy, Writer
  • Ensuring quality of life in the third age – Yiannis Yfantopoulos, Professor of the University of Athens, Faculty of Law, Economic and Political Sciences
  • Is there life before death? Questions on existence – Dr Dimitris Karagiannis, Psychiatrist, Existential Psychotherapist, Director of Therapeutical & Educational Institute Antistixi

Co-ordinator: Dr Efstathios Gonos, Director of Research in NHRF/IBR

When 6 March 2012, 19.00
Where National Hellenic Research Foundation
Leonidas Zervas Amphitheatre
48 Vas. Konstantinou Avenue
116 35 Athens

Increasing human longevity: good news or bad?

Professor Tom Kirkwood CBE FMedSci, Associate Dean for Ageing, Newcastle University, Campus for Ageing and Vitality

Introduction – Presentation: Dr Efstathios Gonos, Director of Research in NHRF/IBRB

Life expectancy in most of Europe is increasing by five or more hours each day. What can science tell us about the ageing process that can help explain why this is happening and where it might lead? Most importantly, what do we really want scientific research into ageing to deliver?

Simultaneous interpretation will be provided.

When 20 March 2012, 19.00
Where National Hellenic Research Foundation
Leonidas Zervas Amphitheatre
48 Vas. Konstantinou Avenue
116 35 Athens

Information and bookings

For further information and to reserve a place, please contact:

Organised by the Institutes of Biological Research & Biotechnology (IBRB) and Byzantine Research of the NHRF in co-operation with the Society of Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Ageing.