Damien Hirst: New Religion
Damien Hirst: New Religion
Thursday 07 April 2011 to Sunday 27 November 2011
Additional information
Athens & Thessaloniki

Damien Hirst is undoubtedly one of the most significant living artists of our times. He is the most prominent member of the Young British Artists (YBAs) group, who dominated the world art scene during the 1990s, and his work continues to cause controversy.

In New Religion a cross studded with pharmaceuticals like precious jewels vindicating their significance for human life and prosperity; a silver heart pierced by needles and razor blades and wrapped in barbed wire; an altar; a carved marble pill standing in for the Eucharist, a silver child’s skull and medical charts are some of the exhibits that comprise a list of open questions posed by the artist in relation to science, its role as a new religion, religion itself and art.

According to Hirst 'There are four important things in life: religion, love, art, and science.' New Religion highlights the conflict between two of these – science and religion.

Making use of religious clichés – imagery, titles and associations – and denaturing them through art, in a cold and clinical environment – characteristic of Hirst’s work – the artist bridges the theoretical gap between science and religion, rephrasing questions regarding the way the two are perceived.

The exhibition, or part of it, has been displayed at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, the Palazzo Pesaro Papafava in Venice and the Rogaland Museum in Stavanger, Norway).


Following its great success in Thessaloniki, New Religion, acclaimed artist Damien Hirst’s first solo exhibition in Greece, is travelling to the Benaki Museum in Athens.

Co-organised with the Benaki Museum and the Paul Stolper Gallery, in association with the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art and curated by Artemis Potamianou.

Opening Tuesday 20 September 2011
Exhibition 21 September–27 November 2011
Where Benaki Museum
Pireos Street Annexe
138 Pireos Street
118 54 Athens
Facebook www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=117617088339060


We are proud to co-organise with the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art and the Paul Stolper Gallery the acclaimed artist Damien Hirst's first solo exhibition in Greece entitled New Religion, curated by Artemis Potamianou.

Opening Thursday 7 April 2011, 20.00
Exhibition 8 April–31 July 2011
Where Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art
154 Egnatia Street
546 36 Thessaloniki
Facebook www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=200356363328883


British Council 2310 378 314
Benaki Museum 210 345 3111
Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art 2310 240 002