Gob Squad 'Before Your Very Eyes' © Phile Deprez
Gob Squad Before Your Very Eyes ©

Phile Deprez

Friday 08 November 2013 to Sunday 10 November 2013
Onassis Cultural Centre, Athens

We're delighted to support Gob Squad’s first performance in Greece.

Since 1994, the avant-garde British-German collective Gob Squad have been giving performances and making videos which combine performing arts with new media as a means to comment on everyday life in the 21st century.

In Before Your Very Eyes, a group of seven children and adolescents – shut up in a glass room straddling time – peer into their past and future, envisioning their own deaths and ‘growing up’ before astonished eyes: ours and theirs.

Seven lives are lived in fast-forward as the children talk about their future, 'play' with love and death, discuss issues of innocence and maturity, memory and oblivion.

Before Your Very Eyes unsettles and moves audiences wherever it is performed exactly because it reminds us of the delicate materials we are made of: cells and dreams.

When 8–10 November 2013, 20.30
Where Onassis Cultural Centre (Main Stage)
107–109 Syngrou Avenue
117 45 Athens